Cleaning Tips, Guides & Resources

Need Your House Cleaned Fast?

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Have you ever wondered how it is that some people can keep their house looking clean all the time, and it never seems like they pick anything up after themselves or do any of their own laundry or dishes? Maybe you have a bunch of toddlers and kids that are always tearing the house apart and never picking up after themselves.

If you're like a lot of people, you're probably constantly busy with your life and never have any time to clean your house. We will show you the best possible way to quickly tackle the most difficult jobs in the shortest amount of time possible. We've come up with a great guideline to help you better maintain your house and make sure it looks spick and span, and It'll help you burn calories. If you can imagine your house with sparkling counters, a shiny floor, no more dirty laundry, no more clutter, no dirty dishes, pet fur, or dust anywhere at all, then we will show you how to get you the results you want in no time at all. We have a fast reliable team that guarantees that you'll enter your house with a smile on your face and happiness in your heart.

We've come up with a proven system that will show you how, within only 30 minutes a day, you can stay one step ahead of the game and keep your house looking absolutely immaculate. Don't worry about any of the hard to clean stuff, we can do all of that for you.

These are practical steps that everyone can do to help themselves stay on top of a daily house maintenance routine.

Remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

1. Make Your Bed


This is one of the first and most important things to do. We always recommend starting with a small task because once you're done (which shouldn't take much time at all), you'll feel like you've already accomplished something and you'll be ready to hop onto the next task at hand. We're not looking to make a military-style made bed with perfect corners and not a single wrinkle to be seen in it. We're just making sure that the bed looks nicely made, and maintained with clean sheets.

Take the sheets and throw them neatly on your bed, make sure the corners are tucked in and there are not too many wrinkles in the sheets and you'll be good to go.  If you can't make your own bed in the morning it makes it pretty hard to get started on cleaning anything else around the house. A lot of times, people are in such a rush in the morning that they forget how important it is to start with the small things in life. Remember to take care of the small things, and the big things will take care of themselves.

2.Dirty Dishes


This is another thing you can do really fast as long as you have a dishwasher (if you don't have a dishwasher it's going to take a little longer). All you want to do here is take out any clean dishes from the dishwasher and put them away on the shelves and put any dirty dishes into the dishwasher. Make sure that you take all of the dishes off the countertops and put them out of sight (either in the dishwasher or back in the shelves where they belong).

If you have any dirty pots and pans, you can throw them in the sink and allow them to soak. Don't worry, you can always get back to them later!  The end result that we're looking for here is to get all the dishes out of the way. Out of sight, out of mind. People will think that your kitchen looks amazing just by having clean countertops, a clean floor and no dishes lying around.

3. Clean Kitchen


The next step should be to wipe off the counters and stove. If there's a bunch of clutter laying around your countertops, go ahead and shove that to the side for now. Focus on wiping off any crumbs or gooey foods that got stuck to the counter and make it look nice and tidy. We will get the clutter later, just focus on making the counters looking shiny and free from any clutter.

If you're worried about cleaning your refrigerator, don't be! We can take care of all the hard to do stuff for you and take the worry and stress out of your life, and save you a lot of time! Anything you need, let us know. We have a highly trained team that's willing to go above and beyond what's asked of them! Just make sure you ask for any special requests so we can fully satisfy all of your needs and house cleaning desires.

4.Clean Bathroom


You're going to want to make sure you have a really good cleaning solution for the bathroom. It's important that you can spray down the shower, bathtub, toilet, and sink and when you come back to clean it the scum will instantly wipe away (sometimes you might have to experiment with a couple of different cleaning solutions before finding the right one).

After you're done spraying everything down, feel free to walk away and start cleaning the mirrors, around the toilet, the base of the toilet, the floor around the toilet, and the counters in the bathroom. Then head back over to the shower and tub and give it a really good rinse (your cleaner should do most the cleaning for you). Remember, you shouldn't have to be scrubbing anything off if you've had a really good deep cleaning already, this should have already been done earlier and we're just focusing on the maintenance now. If you don't know where to get a good deep cleaning done, we can help you out! Make sure to check out some of our testimonials and give us a try for yourself.

 5. Tidy Pickup

Closeup of clothes wooden basket

This is where you're going to get rid of any clutter. You're not going to be picking anything up and moving it from one room to the exact spot it's supposed to go. Right now, what you should do is get a big container, or a big bag with straps, or even a laundry basket, then take it around the house putting all the clutter in the house into your container. If you can find a bin or container that's segregated, it will make sorting through the clutter later on a lot easier.

That way, what you can do is, put the clutter into the different places in your container that go into whatever room that you've segregated the containers into. This is a big time saver!  You shouldn't have to be running around like you're in a marathon moving one item from the living room to another room placing the item in the perfect spot.

That will be way too time-consuming and we're looking to clean our house in under thirty minutes! If you're in a room already and the item you're picking up is going to take less than a minute to put away, go ahead and put it in it's proper spot, so you don't have to sort through it later.

For cleaning surfaces around the house, it's important to make sure you have an all-purpose surface cleaner. Head into each room to wipe down everything you can that's permitted. Quickly wipe down the surfaces and take away any dust that you see.

You don't need to get everything, just make sure you do a quick wipe down and cover all the surfaces you can. You won't have to worry about any of the little cobwebs and dust bunnies if you go through us the first time. You'll only have to spend a little time each day on the maintenance. If you don't have time for any daily maintenance then we have routine cleanings available too!

We will make sure your life is as easy as possible, and we will have you astounded at the results!  Vacuuming is going to take a long time to do each room and we want to take care of that for you. It can also be hard on your back and not all the time do people have quality vacuums to take care of the hard to get dirt that gets trapped under their carpets. We bring our own vacuums (or we can use yours if you prefer) to make sure you get the best job done, and we will have you absolutely thrilled with what everything looks like when we're finished.

6. Spot Mop


Here is where you look for as many obvious spots on the floor that need to be wiped up (any spilt juices or markings on the floor). Finding some sort of sponge mop or microfiber mop is going to be the fastest and most efficient way to spot mop, but even if you have to get a rag or cloth, and get down on your hands and knees to clean, the point is to focus on the areas that get dirtiest the fastest. Usually, the floor around the dishwasher and the sink, the places around the garbage can, the stairs, anywhere that gets splattered, and basically any obvious spills or gunk that's showing up on the floors.

7. Last on the list is the laundry.


This is not the time to be going through mounds and mounds of laundry that have been piling up forever, this is the time to get a quick load or two done and free up more of your time focusing on what's important to you. Hopefully, you've already gotten a deep cleaning done by our house cleaning service, and you're just focusing on tidying up each day. This is where, if you have time, throw in a load of laundry in or just put a load away that's already in there.

The main focus here should be to save you time and not focusing on all the small details.  Keeping up with house cleaning is a lot simpler when you've taken care of all the big things and you only have to focus on one task at a time. If you can't find the time to speed clean your home. You can always purchase cleaning services to get the job done for you.

We've made this guide for you to show you how much easier life can be when you don't have to worry about always picking up after everyone else in your house.  It's ok to stop after 30 minutes, we don't want you to go overboard with cleaning since we know you're busy. Check out our other speed cleaning guide or this guide on doing a thorough cleaning of your home in under a week.

Adriana Aziz is the operations manager at MaidForYou. With over 6 years of experience managing cleaning operations, she knows all the best hacks when it comes to cleaning residential and commercial buildings. With expert experience in managing house cleaning operations, interior design and logistics. She spends her free time with her family and as a freelance food critic.

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